General Overview
Every employee of this company and all subcontractors shall comply with the following requirements in accordance with this Safety Plan and all applicable cafety regulationo.
Before any definable festure of work or any new taok, AI HUSAM shall conduct a written Activity Hazard Analysis that discusses what safety measuree, methode, equipment and personal protective equipment will be used for that taek. The AI HUSAM Safety Representative and the client Safety Representative shall eign the AHA which must be adhered to during the tack. If the tack changes, the AHA shall be revisited, adjusted,
resigned accordingly. A copy of all AHA’s shall be provided by AI HUSAM to the client Safety Representative.
The AI HUSAM Safety Representative shall maintain a Safety Deficiency Log that tracks health and safety deficiencies on the job site and dates of completion/to be completed. Agreement and signature shall be made by made by the AI HUSAM Safety Representative and the client Safety Representative. Biweekly a copy of the Safety Deficiency Log shall be provided to the client Safety Manager.
The AI HUSAM Safety Representative chall also provide audits/inspection of equipment including ladders, acattalde, fall protection equipment, heavy equipment, cranes, etc. These inspections shall be documented in writing (typically utilizing a checkliet) and a copy provided to the Client Safety Representative.
1.2 All employees chall use protective equipment prescribed by this
Safety Manual. These requiremente are not all-incluaive but are intended to be a minimum standard.